Wednesday, 9 July 2008

An Absence of Summer

Well July announced its arrival this morning. It was 2 degrees in the hills of Dulwich at dawn and I kept hoping that my bed would take me to work. It didn't. I hate winter in summerland. Like a regretful e-bay purchase, it arrives late unannounced and you wonder why you ever looked forward to it in the first place. Those of you tanning your asses off in the Northern Hemisphere must be choking on your long island iced teas right now saying "Winter? Australia? You guys know nothing". Yes I know a top of 12 degrees in the mother country is enough to cause random breakouts of nudist colonies amongst our British brothers and sisters. Whereas a top of 12 degrees in Summerland causes the average antipodean to hit his or her snooze button several more times, make a pot of tea and put on a suitable scarf. There is no widespread panic. Not a lot happens at all. And herein lays the problem. Winter in summerland is bland. There are no blizzards, ice storms, winter wonderlands or messages from the Queen. No sons of God were born in June, July or August and there is no Auld Lang Zyne equivalent for the End of Financial Year. The closest we get to a cultural event is a half yearly clearance. The light is never turned off; it is simply turned down. It's not cold enough to wear a mink but not warm enough to find a beach. We are left for three months on our couches in our seasonal waiting rooms. There is no winter in summerland, there is simply an absence of summer.



Monty said...

I hear your pain...thankfully, I'm taking myself (and my gorgeous man) off to the warm tropical waters of FNQ for a week! (am I rubbing it in too much???) Yay!!!!!!!

Cahill's Rest said...

I'm going to have to kill you

Mark Olmsted said...

There is a northern hemisphere equivalent, of sorts, embodied in a famous Mark Twain quote: "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco."
Here in LA, perfect weather gets really boring, but we try to buck up and bear it.

Cahill's Rest said...

yes I remember reading that quote freezing in San Francisco in July!

Adaptive Radiation said...

Ahhh...but surely it couldn't be any worse than what the weather is putting on for us here in Melbourne. If it were any darker, colder and wetter, I might as well be in Antarctica.