Monday 28 April 2008


Just off the plane from deliciously warm Brisbane to cold miserable Sydney. It's still summer in Queensland whereas we're full throttle into a wet winter in Sydney town. I had a wonderful weekend. My brother and I attended Liv and Steve's wedding on Saturday at Gianni's at the new portside development on the Brisbane River. My my Brisbane is such a different city these days to the one I left almost 7 years ago; very cosmopolitan, full of alfresco restaurants and cafes everywhere......and so god, Brisbane's idea of multiculturalism used to be the corner Chinese Restaurant and packet times have changed. I had a ball at the wedding. It was a big law school reunion; saw some people that I had not literally seen since I left uni ten years ago. And my life was so different back then; I came out (both figuratively and literally) on the roof top of the Kookaburra Queen (Brisbane River Boat) on new year's eve 98/99 after drinking way too much champagne and attempting to kiss a mate of mine (tragic!). Half the people at the wedding including the bride were on deck to witness it all that fateful and "thank god it's finally happened" evening. All the straights out of the crew are married and have mortgages rivalling that of the debt of a small african nation. As for the all the homoxials, we're still in the cab que and dancing like it's 1999. And I wouldn't have it any other way!


Monty said...

Looking good in that pic!!!

I haven't been back to Brissy since 1999 so it would be interesting to see what it's like now!

Sh@ney said...

It sure has changed over the years...I have been here since 1983and seen so much growth in the social aspect....So much more value in entertainment these days and it just keeps getting bigger.
Glad you enjoyed your trip back.

Monty said...

Colin - my friend James is the Producer of Impro Tropicano! How cool is that - can't wait to meet you (and to show off my gorgeous man as well). he he he! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Looking quite dapper and cosmopolitan yourself. Sounds like you had yourself a great time! But don't you know you're not supposed to steal the show away from the bride? ;-) Great job!