Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Cranky Pants

I've had one of those days which I would just like to cancel. It started at 4 this morning when the moron in the block of flats next door starting performing some sort of mechanical overhaul of his long-gone excuse for a car.

I attempted slumber but could not get back to sleep mainly because I knew our cleaner was arriving at 7am and had to be awake to let him in. I find S irritating at the best of times but even more so when one's slumber has been halved. It didn't help either that my mother started speaking to me in front of S like I was in kindergarten

Mum to S: Ah Colin never likes getting out of bed!
Nor do you Mum.
Mum to S: And of course his room is a mess.
Thanks Mum. S and I have enough mutual dislike without you assisting.
Mum: Oh Colin quickly clean up your room so S can vacuum
Colin: Mum the point of having a cleaner is that he does the cleaning
Mum: Well move your shoes and books so he can get in.
Colin: Do you want me move to the furniture out as well?

I was not happy Jan. I quickly showered, got dressed and left. My brother had already left for work and Mum, Dad and I decided to go for breakfast down the road before I went to work. My mood didn't improve and became increasingly dire when the waitress spilt my coffee all over my lap. I nearly threw the table at her. She was however saved by the Eggs Benedict I ordered….they were divine.

They did not however stem my fowl mood. It has continued to brood all day grumbling its way through every email, phone call and social interaction. To be honest am rarely cranky, so I do find it intriguing when I am. It is strange to find oneself deliberately making oneself even more unbearable by one's own behaviour…..when one is fully aware that one is doing it. MADNESS.

Yes …I think I need to go for a run.


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