Have you ever had one of those days where the world as you know it appears to be sucked into a black hole and suddenly the true reality is revealed? I think that happened to me today at work just after 5pm. I decided to leave early so I was packing my things and then bang! The news first came via an email and then confirmed in person by a particular colleague. The news and thus the realisation was like a bullet to my head. The moisture drained from my mouth, my gums started to ache and I developed an instant nauseous migraine. I still can't work out whether I was shocked by the actual news and the way in which this particular colleague delivered it or whether I was disappointed in myself for yet again ignoring my gut feeling when it comes to someone's true character; my gut feeling has never been proven to be wrong; it is always right. Yet I spend my entire life ignoring it.
I left work with my face plump with hot blood and that Ebola feeling where you think your organs are about to turn to liquid. As soon as I got in the door, I threw up. I then of course wanted my mother. I then realised of course she was 2000 kms away which lead me to realise how lonely I am which then led me to bursting into tears. Usually I feel a lot better after I have a cry but this time it seemed to make me more claustrophobic. I discarded my suit, brushed my teeth, chucked on some trackies and jumper, grabbed my joggers and walked out the door.
I spent the next four hours traipsing around the inner city launching a press conference of questions on myself. I was a high achiever for the first 17 years of my life; why have I spent the next 17 years simply passing? Passing everything literally; never fully participating; never fully committing; never making up my mind; remaining a spectator while waiting for that something to find me when in fact I should be doing the finding. My father always said to me in life stick to the middle of the road.....well I have taken it one step further and stuck to the middle of the roundabout and never left. I need to leave this roundabout.
All upheaval leads to good. Who said that? Anyway it works for me. As much as I am disappointed in the turn of events at work this afternoon whether it be in myself or my colleague or most likely both, it has cleared my mind. And I think it is time for a big change. A change that I saw coming but I think will be brought forward substantially. It will most likely lead to cancelling my holidays in November ( if I can still do that??) and bringing my other plans forward. This will depend on a couple of things falling into place in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned…..
I think this has been my most schizophrenic post yet. Can someone fetch me a pale of scotch?
PS : And no, I haven't been fired.
.....just don't ask
I'm confused! But never-the-less, a big hug! Not sure what else I can say!
I call that type of shock reaction freight-train-blindsiding: one doesn't quite see it coming and the collision catapults one's now fragmentary remains in a completely different direction to that in which one thought one was heading.
My sympathies.
yet it in a way I did see it coming; not directly though; my gut feeling about this particular person had always been negative but I chose to ignore it and last night my gut feeling was confirmed. Look it's all good. I actually feel quite happy about everything as it has forced me to make up my mind about what I want to do next.
It's good to hear you can pick up the pieces again and move on: I'm devastated for some time by that sort of experience.
Good luck with the forthcoming changes.
PS: Your Blog actually does have a theme - the apparent themelessness of your life so far. ;-)
Hey, sometimes we need a big shock to happen to shake up our lives... but this too shall pass - and its exciting to consider the possibilities that this may open up.
Are you in professional strife? Or personal strife with this person? As long as your job is intact and ok.... surely this person can be managed? :)
Sorry to hear that something has gone sour for you - well when life gives you lemons make lemonade !!
Trust yourself, mate.
God! I almost felt as bad. I hope you feel better soon! (((((Colin)))))
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