Tuesday 26 February 2008

Procrastinate Now.....Don't Put It Off

I've been a tad slackarse the last couple of weeks.

Been busy procrastinating, preparing Gimme Gimme Britney Float (the parade is this week and wedding Britney just pulled out)….and procrastinating….. and where can I buy a cheap strobe light???

Ok Oscars……

Fashions First:

Jennifer Hudson: Oh Lordy. Advice from one big girl to the next………white curtains are not slimming.

Cate Blanchett: she looked like she'd had an argument with a satin pillow case;….but she is 7 mths pregnant so I will forgive her. And what a speaking voice……I hope she does another Elizabeth film in ten years and makes sure that they don't get the script editor from Bold and the Beautiful to write the film like they did this time.

Nicole Kidman: how glacial is that woman? Even when she tries to be warm, crystals form under her nose. Maybe it's the botox. Still, her outfit got better with the night; at first glance on the red carpet, I thought she had run into a bunch of cobwebs and then I realised it was her necklace. Do you think her and Keith share the same wig maker?

Renee Zillwegger: will someone throw a bowl of pasta at the woman? EAT!!! I love Renee; she seems like a sweetheart and she's a great actress but seriously, she looked like a piece of cutlery on the red carpet: I couldn't work out where the material finished and the skin began.

Anne Hathaway: stunning frock but she looks like a horse.

Diablo Cody (wrote Juno): The writer of my favourite film. Everyone hated her outfit but I loved it. Leopard meets Toga. Loved her speech as well………..what a talented girl. I hate her.

Cameron Diaz: She'd make a flour bag look a million bucks and considering that's what she wore, it worked! I think she dumped the surf board behind the Kodak just a few minutes before the show, wacked on the frock, tussled the hair and presto! Don't you love good genes???

Hilary Swank: Looked very elegant but still she looks like a horse as well……if they ever do a bio pic on Princess Anne…..

Julie Christie: Washing up gloves? You're wearing washing up gloves? What? Get out. No wonder she didn't win the oscar….they saw her arrive and swapped winners.

Rebecca Miller (Daniel Day(are two earrings back in?)Lewis's wife): She looked like she'd been gift wrapped. What was with the ribbons and bows?

Tilda Swinton: Yes she wore a garbage bag but I think she's fabulous. I hope I can look that young at 47.

Show Last

Ho hum. Can they please bring back Whoopi? She's the only who can do the Oscars ……who is still alive………otherwise…Bob Hope (Great excerpt showing Bob Hope explaining how the nominations are collated …as I best can recall "Mr Cooper brings the nominations to the secretary, the secretary types up the nominations, the nominations are then packaged and taken to the theatre and the secretary is taken outside and shot"….LOL!…CLASSIC!)

I loved Jon Stewart's remarks about the acting capabilities of Cate Blanchett "She so's good she played the pitbull terrier in No Country for Old Men…..and in fact Cate Blanchett is playing me right now…….this woman won't be stopped." Hilarious!

Apart from that the only other thing I enjoyed was eating my ever-increasing body weight in cheese, crackers, chips and dip whilst watching the show; a perfect Oscar night in.

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